How to make a Poison Tap (Hack locked Computers)

Samy Kamkar released a tool which allows for a Raspberry Pi Zero to emulate a USB Ethernet device and steal cookies from a locked machine.

We decided to make one and see how it worked. Below is a quick tutorial on how to set this up for yourself!


  • Raspberry Pi Zero (Only the Zero will work)
  • Micro SD Card (8GB should be fine)
  • USB OTG Adapter (Used for setting up the Pi)
  • USB Ethernet Adapter
  • Micro USB Cable
  • SD Card Reader
  • About 10 Minutes of time.

This kit on amazon for £19.00 has everything you need to do this

Step 1

You will need the latest version of Raspbian, you can download this using the following link:

Step 2

Next we need to install the Raspbian Image on the Pi, to do this we will use Win32DiskImager , if you are on a Mac or Linux you can use DD in order to install the image.

Step 3

Now we have Raspbian installed on the SD card we need to add a file with no extension called ‘ssh’ into the boot directory of the SD card.

This allows the Pi to automatically start SSH without a screen attached.

Step 4

Find the Pi. I used arp-scan on Linux in order to find my Pi on the network. My USB Ethernet adapter is branded Plugable so it was easy to identify.

The default credentials are:

Username: pi

Password: raspberry

Step 5

At this point we are ready to start installing the Poison Tap software. We need to install Git on the Pi Zero. We can simply run:

sudo apt-get install git

Once we have Git installed we need to clone Samy’s repository:

git clone

Step 6

With the Poison Tap Repo installed next we need to run a quick setup script in order to have everything set up:

wget; sudo bash

Step 7

At this point your very own Poison Tap should be ready to try! Plug it into your computer via USB and see if a network adapter comes up!